
On April 23, I was informed via email that DLBA Capital Improvements Projects (CIP) Committee will be funding my concept! YAY!!! The concept is to do a Live-Art Performance project in Downtown Long Beach via the DLBA Storefront Activation Program called #LongBeachLab.

“The Committee felt that the proposed concept of live art performance at the storefront where pedestrians can actively engage in viewing the art installations is not only unique but also high in artistic merit. However, the Committee felt the requested grant amount is too large for such a short term exhibit, and would like a scaled back version of the original proposal.”  

A “scaled back version” entails seeking a neighborhood partnership with a Downtown Long Beach Storefront owner for approximately seven (7) months.  I cannot use the DLBA grant funds to pay for rent, but have a reserve to pay utilities if necessary.   This is where I was wondering if you could assist me by sharing this proposal with your associates.  

Downtown Long Beach is the BEST!  It is the place where the cultural diversity of the International City comes together, a multi modal fabric of history and progress on display everyday for the passing worker, the  unhurried resident, and the leisurely cyclist, all set aside the ocean.   As a visual artist with  Architectural design and citizen organizing skills, I have the ability to activate storefront spaces innovatively and creatively, promote a safe area, and provide opportunities for future leases.  With my love of buildings and the urban environment, Downtown’s eclectic neighborhoods inspire my work to create idealized depictions of places that entertain, inform and provoke thought and action.  For the DLBA Storefront Activation Program I propose a unique concept that fully immerses the artist  into the canvas. The storefront is the canvas.
By performing live-art I will be fully immersed within each activated storefront.  As I create  visual pieces rooted in the landscape and culture of Long Beach, my  work surfaces (laptop, sewing machine, and drawing boards) will be videoed and shared real time with the public via three large format computer screens that face the street.   I have designed eye catching mobile performance/art platforms that can be moved from storefront to storefront as each space is rented.  By removing the veil, the process of creating art is shared with all passersby.  As the viewer strolls by, my intention is that they are comfortable to stop in their tracks and stare at what is going on inside, day or night.  They will be captivated by the activities inside the space, along with the computer screens showcasing works in progress, and printouts of my visual work reflecting the community that surrounds them.  An important aspect of the project will be to  invite the various user groups rooted in the Downtown community to enter the space to share their story and to build pieces from that interaction and reflection on their role in the community.  My hope is that this positive energy and resulting work will act as a display of the character of the community and open up a glimpse into the heart of the neighborhood for potential tenants.

Aside from the multimedia displays and project exhibition potential business owners have an opportunity to view an active work environment open to the public and see the space in use during special events.   A furnished space allows the potential renter a scale to reference against for their intended use.  They also can visit the space during already established monthly events like the Historic Old Pine Avenue Twilight Walk and the Second Saturday Art Walk to see the increase traffic flow during special events.  These events are perfect milestone dates to unveil project progress and generate additional media attention.

This innovative storefront project will stop viewers in their path and spark the interest of potential business owners.  My goal is to have viewers returning home saying, “I saw this lady creating art in a cool storefront space in Long Beach.  That is so cool.  We should go back to see the progress.”  Then they too will understand that Downtown Long Beach is the BEST place ever and want to return.

Visual Art Investigations of Downtown Long Beach will be conducted for two-month periods.

June - July:  Back in the Day City,
August - September: Current City, and
October - November:  Future City

Tentative Timeline: 7 months
4/17/13:  Contracts signed and returned
4/17/13:  Touch base with realtor
4/17/13:  Get insurance + permits?
4/17/13:  Apply for LB Arts Council Grant
4/17/13 - Friday 5/17/13:  General Storefront Installation
4/17/13 - 4/24/13:  Create construction drawings and finalize shopping list
4/24/13 - 5/10/13:  Fabrication
5/10/13 - 5/17/13:  Installation
5/17/13 - 5/22/13:  Soft opening
5/23/13:  Official Launch Press Event
Our Town:  Visual Art Investigations
June - July:  Back in the Day City
Display / Show July 13
August - September: Current City
Display / Show September 14
October - November:  Future City
Display / Show November 9
11/29/13:  Final Show
11/30/13:  Break down + move out

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