Temp Space

Street view of TempSpace #1

Yesterday a proposal was submitted for the Long Beach Mobile Exhibits | Storefront Public Art program.  This fantastic opportunity offered by the Arts Council for Long Beach and Long Beach Redevelopment Agency, fills vacant downtown storefronts with by art pieces until the space is officially leased.   This is another reason we love this City!
The workstation desks and shared utility wall.

When awarded the project, the collaboration between Voula and Emily will continue. Very soon you will begin to see pop-up temporary work spaces appearing throughout downtown.  The idea is to design & build kit-of-parts furniture pieces that are made with off-the-shelf materials.  Then have creative individuals occupy and use the space as a performance piece; revealing the person behind the work.  The current proposal provides a shared utility wall, workstation desks, and lighting.  Variables that will alter the furniture are the artist(s) ability of customize piece and the size of selected vacancy determines number of workstations.  We will provide a shopping-list and instructions to build your own workstation on the web in the very near future. Stay tuned.

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